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Welcome to 3H Ministries! We are a nonprofit organization based in India that partners with local churches and communities to end hunger, provide healthcare, and educate the orphan & Poor kids and give the opportunity for a better quality of life for those in developing nations. Our current area of operations is India, but we aim to expand our area of operations worldwide.

3H Ministries has 23 aims and objectives, the majority of which fall in one of two categories.

FIrst, our members aim to unanimously co-operate with the development of the Society. But, more importantly, we aim to spread the word of God to the unreached masses, be it through forming New Life Groups among the communities; aiding the Churches of the Christian Welfare Ministries in extension of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ and its members’ spiritual, moral, and social growth in accord with the highest ideas of Christian faith and practice; to distribute audio bibles, Christian videos, and tract bibles; to promote Crusades, large-scale meetings to share the gospel, and youth ministry training; to establish Bible college and correspondence courses.

In addition, our ministry aims to share the love of Jesus Christ, so that those helped and ignorant could be saved from the darkness of unawareness. This entails organizing training and employment for women and youth; establishing and maintaining homes, orphanages, and other establishments for the relief and providing thereof the poor and destitute, orphans and widows; establishing, maintaining, and running institutions like day homes for senior citizens for their care, treatment, and assistance; taking up rehabilitation programs in natural disasters; conducting nutrition programs for undernourished children; providing assistance to the disabled, the physically handicapped, and the mentally retarded children; organizing medical camps, mobile medical services, and clinics for the poor; taking up programmes for the conservation of nature; establishing schools and colleges to provide free education to the poor; working for the development of the poor and needy, the castes of SCs, STs, and BCs, and minorities through their education, employment, and awareness; conducting vocational trainings for the unemployed youth and women for their self-reliance; and working for the enlightenment of government programmes and provisions for the destitute, older, and physically handicapped.

To carry out these two categories of aims, our ministry aims to build a close relationship with the government. We aim to take up all activities and programmes which are government-approved and agreeable with the by-laws of the government, and we aim to work for National Integrity and Social Harmony.